Data Wrangling - Adding Latitudes and Longitudes using Google Maps Geocoding API, to create some neat visualisations

  • Most Data Scientists will tell you that they spend most of their time Data Wrangling.
  • Data Wrangling: When the data collected from a source is not sufficient enough to provide valuable insights, then data wrangling must be performed. Data Wrangling refers to the process of adding supplementary data to the existing dataset.

Adding latitude and longitude data for each air crash

  • We have crawled the following 'fields' for each air crash:

    Fields for each crash


     Date of accident,  in the format - January 01, 2001


     Local time, in 24 hr. format unless otherwise specified


     Location of accident


     Airline or operator of the aircraft

    Flight #:

     Flight number assigned by the aircraft operator


     Complete or partial route flown prior to the accident

    AC Type:

     Aircraft type


     ICAO registration of the aircraft

    cn / ln:

     Construction or serial number / Line or fuselage number


     Total aboard (passengers / crew)


     Total fatalities aboard (passengers / crew)


     Total killed on the ground


     Brief description of the accident and cause if known

  • We can add the following fields by using the existing fields and the Google Geocoding API.

    For the following two fields, we can use the 'location' field of the dataset

    • geolat: the latitude of the aircrash site
    • geolong: the longitude of the aircrash site

    For the following four fields, we can use the 'Route' field of the dataset. It is of the format <-source->-<-stop1->-<-stop2->-<-destination->

    • src_lat: the latitude of the starting point (source) of the aircraft
    • src_long: the longitude of the starting point (source) of the aircraft
    • dest_lat: the latitude of the crash location ("destination") of the aircraft
    • dest_long: the longitude of the crash location ("destination") of the aircraft
  • [The Google Maps Geocoding API]( enables us to convert location strings to latitude and longitude data, which we can further visualise using plugins and Google Maps.

Importing the required libraries

In [1]:
__author__ = 'shivam_gaur'
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
from pymongo import MongoClient

Declaring the important helper functions and global variables

  • You have to set up your Geocoding API Key before you proceed.

  • client_key: insert your Google Maps Geocoding API client_key as specified below . Check Geocoding API docs for help.

  • _URL_: The Google Maps Geocoding API url constant. Must not be changed.

In [2]:
# Global Config Variables
client_key = '&key=<insert_your_39_character_api_key_here>'
_URL_ = ''
count = 0

# same helper function as the Flight Crash Data Crawler
def makeBeautifulSoupObject(url):
    # Use a `Session` instance to customize how `requests` handles making HTTP requests.
    session = requests.Session()
    # `mount` a custom adapter that retries failed connections for HTTP and HTTPS requests, in this case- 5 times
    session.mount("http://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=5))
    session.mount("https://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=5))
    source_code = session.get(url=url)
    plain_text = source_code.text.encode('utf8')
    soup = BeautifulSoup(plain_text, "lxml")
    return soup

Connecting to the Mongo DB client running on the same machine.

  • Must change if the Mongo DB is running on a separate machine. Check MongoDB docs

In [3]:
# Connecting to Mongo instance
client = MongoClient()
# specify the name of the db in  brackets
db = client['aircrashdb']
# specify the name of the collection in brackets
collection = db['crawled_data']

Helper Function to send request (to url- address_field) and append to the MongoDB collection

In [4]:
def Request_and_append(address_field):
    print (address_field)
    print ('\n')
    finalurl = _URL_ + address_field + client_key_sohail
    soup = makeBeautifulSoupObject(finalurl)
    lat_ = soup.find_all('lat')
    long_ = soup.findAll('lng')
    print (lat_[0].string + ' & ' + long_[0].string + ' - DONE. \n')

Extracting latitude and longitude data of the aircrash location, and appending to the MongoDB collection

  • There are a lot of try and except blocks as the location strings do not follow a nice format.
  • Some special cases have to be handled,
    • Example: if 'Off the coast of Peru' is sent the the geocoding api, it will return an error. Instead, the Peru should be sent. We won't get the exact location, but the best possible approximation. You could explore the dataset and find out why this is a problem.
  • Open to change. Please email me at if you can think of a more elegant solution to handle special cases with the geocoding api

After running the code block below, the following fields should've be added to MongoDB Collection:

  • geolat: the latitude of the aircrash site
  • geolong: the longitude of the aircrash site

In [ ]:
# for all the records in the collection
cursor = collection.find()
for cur in cursor:
    if not cur["loc"] =='NULL':
        # if the latitude and logitude of aircrash location do not exist
        if not "geolat" in cur or not "geolong" in cur:
                if not cur['loc'] == 'NULL':
                    address_field = '+'.join(cur['loc'].split(' '))
                    count = count + 1
                    print ("NULL- No Route Field")
                print ("COULD NOT PROCESS " + cur['loc'].encode('utf-8'))
                new_attempt1 = cur['loc'].encode('utf-8').rpartition(',')[-1]
                print ('trying : ' +  new_attempt1)
                    address_field = '+'.join(new_attempt1.encode('utf-8').strip().split(' '))
                    print ('New attempt has failed as well')
                    new_attempt2 = cur['loc'].encode('utf-8')
                    new_attempt2 = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z ]+', '', new_attempt2)
                    arr = new_attempt2.split()
                        for s in arr:
                            if (s.lower() == 'coast'):
                                new_attempt_final = (arr [i-1] + ' ' + arr[i]).encode('utf-8')
                                address_field = '+'.join(new_attempt_final.encode('utf-8').strip().split(' '))
                            elif (s.lower() == 'ocean'):
                                new_attempt_final = (arr [i-1] + ' ' + arr[i]).encode('utf-8')
                                address_field = '+'.join(new_attempt_final.encode('utf-8').strip().split(' '))
                            elif (s.lower() == 'sea'):
                                new_attempt_final = (arr [i-1] + ' ' + arr[i]).encode('utf-8')
                                address_field = '+'.join(new_attempt_final.encode('utf-8').strip().split(' '))
                            elif (s.lower() == 'off'):
                                new_attempt_final = (' '.join(arr [i+1:])).encode('utf-8')
                                address_field = '+'.join(new_attempt_final.encode('utf-8').strip().split(' '))
                            elif (s.lower() == 'persian'): # For persian gulf
                                new_attempt_final = (arr [i] + ' ' + arr[i+1]).encode('utf-8')
                                address_field = '+'.join(new_attempt_final.encode('utf-8').strip().split(' '))
                            elif (s.lower() == 'gulf'):
                                new_attempt_final = (arr [i] + ' ' + arr[i+1]+ ' ' + arr[i+2]).encode('utf-8')
                                address_field = '+'.join(new_attempt_final.encode('utf-8').strip().split(' '))
                                new_attempt_final = arr [-1]
                                address_field = '+'.join(new_attempt_final.encode('utf-8').strip().split(' '))
                            i = i+1
                        print ("I AM SORRY, THIS LOCATION CANNOT BE PROCESSED")
            # if the latitude and logitude of aircrash location ALREADY EXIST. This is in case this code block is run multiple times.
            count = count + 1
            print (cur['loc'].encode('utf-8')+' - ALREADY PROCESSED')
        print("ROUTE ===== NULL")
print (" TOTAL RECORDS THAT HAVE LATS AND LONGS: " + str(count))

Extracting latitude and longitude data of the source and destination, and appending to the MongoDB collection

  • There are a few try and except blocks as the location strings do not follow a nice format.

  • Some special cases have to be handled,

  • Open to change. Please email me at if you can think of a more elegant solution to handle special cases with the geocoding api

After running the code block below, the following fields should've be added to MongoDB Collection:

  • src_lat: the latitude of the starting point (source) of the aircraft
  • src_long: the longitude of the starting point (source) of the aircraft
  • dest_lat: the latitude of the crash location ("destination") of the aircraft
  • dest_long: the longitude of the crash location ("destination") of the aircraft

In [ ]:
counter = 0
for cur in cursor:
    if not cur["route"]=='NULL':
        if not "srclat" in cur and not "srclong" in cur or not "deslat" in cur and not "deslong" in cur:
                if not cur['route'] == 'NULL':
                    source_dest = cur["route"].split('-')
                    source_dest[0] = source_dest[0].strip()
                    source_dest[-1] = source_dest[-1].strip()
                    address_field1 = ' '.join(source_dest[0].split(' '))
                    print (address_field1)
                    address_field2 = ' '.join(source_dest[-1].split(' '))
                    print (address_field2)
                    print ('\n')
                    finalurl1 = url + address_field1 + client_key_sohail
                    finalurl2 = url + address_field2 + client_key_sohail
                    soup1 = makeBeautifulSoupObject(finalurl1)
                    soup2 = makeBeautifulSoupObject(finalurl2)
                    srclat = soup1.find_all('lat')
                    srclong = soup1.findAll('lng')
                    deslat = soup2.find_all('lat')
                    deslong = soup2.find_all('lng')
                    print (srclat[0].string)
                    print (srclong[0].string)
                    print (deslat[0].string)
                    print (deslong[0].string)
                    counter = counter +1
                    print ("NULL- No Route Field")
                print ("COULD NOT PROCESS " + cur['route'].encode('utf-8'))
            print ("ALREADY PROCESSED: " + cur['route'].encode('utf-8'))
            counter = counter +1
        print("ROUTE == NULL")

print ('TOTAL COUNTER: ' + str(counter))

Code for churning out XML files, that are used for visualisation purposes on the web app.

  • Please visit our website to view the final product (
  • Basically, the XML file(s) created using the code below were used for creating some neat looking Google Maps visualisations of the aircrashes/accidents.

In [ ]:
# Importing the required libraries
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
import xml.dom.minidom

Generating XML File with the following Schema:


* -element- 
        * -date-      -/date- 
        * -lat-       -/lat-  
        * -long-      -/long-  
        * -fatal-     -/fatal- 
* -/element-  


In [ ]:
root = Element('root')
tree = ElementTree(root)
for cur in cursor:
    if "geolat" in cur and "geolong" in cur:
        element = Element('element')
        date = Element('date')
        date.text= str(cur['date'])
        lat = Element('lat')
        lat.text= cur['geolat']
        long = Element('long')
        long.text= cur['geolong']
        fatal = Element('fatal')
        if not cur['fatalities_total'] == 'NULL' and not cur['ground'] == 'NULL':
            total_fatalities = int(cur['fatalities_total']) + int(cur['ground'])
            fatal.text= str(total_fatalities)
        elif cur['fatalities_total'] == 'NULL':
            fatal.text= cur['ground']
        elif cur['ground'] == 'NULL':
            fatal.text= cur['fatalities_total']
            fatal.text= cur['fatalities_total']


xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(root))
pretty_xml_as_string = xml.toprettyxml()
print (pretty_xml_as_string)
with open(r'C:\Users\admin\Desktop\GE2324\crash_location_data_with_total_fatal.xml', "wb") as f:

This is what the XML should look like:

  • here, element: represents each aircrash
  • fatal: is the number of fatalities due to each aircraft
  • others: self explanatory

When visualised on our website, this is what it looks like:

Generating XML File with the following Schema:


* -element- 
        * -srclat-      -/srclat- 
        * -srclong-       -/srclong-  
        * -deslat-      -/deslat-  
        * -deslong-     -/deslong- 
* -/element-  


In [ ]:
cursor = collection.find()

root = Element('root')
tree = ElementTree(root)
for cur in cursor:
    if "srclat" in cur and "srclong" in cur and "deslat" in cur and "deslong" in cur:
        element = Element('element')
        srclat = Element('srclat')
        srclat.text= cur['srclat']
        srclong = Element('srclong')
        srclong.text= cur['srclong']
        deslat = Element('deslat')
        deslat.text= cur['deslat']
        deslong = Element('deslong')
        deslong.text= cur['deslong']
xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(root))
pretty_xml_as_string = xml.toprettyxml()
print (pretty_xml_as_string)
with open('route_data.xml', "wb") as f:

This is what the XML should look like:

  • all fields: self explanatory

When visualised on our website, this is what it looks like: